Saturday, March 15, 2025

Totally Wacked Out by Jim Root


Totally Wacked Out

Weedless Wacky hooks from Lazer Trokar, an essential part of your terminal tackle!

lazer trokar weedless hook

Wednesday night I got home and found that my new hooks from Trokar had just arrived! Wanting to spare not a minute more, I quickly called my buddy Danny and made plans to hit the lake the very next day at 6 am, to give them a whirl.

For whatever reason, this small lake really delivers HUGE largemouth when you target them with a wacky-rigged plastic worm presentation. The minute you throw anything else, your bites drop off dramatically. But as the summer months passed and the weeds grew up, the ability to land those big fish became more and more difficult. We weren’t getting good penetration with our hooks, fish were coming off in the weeds, and we were having to watch as the big fish shook our baits just out of our reach. I found that Trokar had a weedless wacky hook in sizes 2, 1, 1/0, and 2/0 and couldn’t wait to order them. Knowing that my experience with Trokar had always been good with drop shot and Texas rigging plastics, I knew that I would be able to count on them to deliver.

And did they ever deliver.

jim with bass

That morning at the lake was epic. In under two hours we had boated over 15 fish, and our best 5 went just under 22 lbs, including this 6.5 pound monster. While that might seem like a modest weight for Guntersville, in NY that’s a really big deal for several reasons: that’s a small window of time on the water, and fish of that size in NY are over 12 years old. The weed guards are small, just one wire on each side. They’re also flexible and not overly rigid to the point of tipping off big fish. They do a great job of helping you navigate your rig through all types of weeds and grasses cleanly, and even the small weeds that are picked up fall off quickly while letting the bait float back down towards the bottom after pulling it through. They’re sharpened the same way all Trokar hooks are, meaning best in the business out of the box AND at maintaining that edge. These hooks are great because they are presented in a finesse profile that actively camouflages that raw power they deliver; power that people who have lived the “Trokar Experience” have come to trust more than no other. Tie them on a Dobyns Champion 703SF Spinning rod with 10lb Seaguar InvizX Fluorocarbon line and you’ll have every bit of confidence you need to land fish like you see up above when give the opportunity.

Don’t fall victim to inferior gear. “The one that got away” is an awful feeling that’s hard to shake. No terminal tackle kit is complete without these hooks.  This is a great presentation all year round, regardless of where you are.

jim rootAuthored by Jim Root, check out his website, or his blog at Weather Underground Reel Weather. Connect with Jim on Fishidy

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