5 Common Crankbait Fishing Mistakes
Crankbaits are an outstanding way to catch big bass, but a few simple mistakes can significantly hinder your chances of success.
There’s a reason why so many top bass fishing professionals favor crankbaits—they’re known to catch big bass when other lures and techniques fail. The effectiveness of these lures largely boils down to their ability to prey on the reactionary instincts of a bass. Even if a bass isn’t on a major feed, they’ll often pounce on your crankbait without thinking twice.
Think of it like this: If I randomly throw a baseball to you, you’ll probably try to catch it. That’s your human instinct. Crankbaits do the same thing, essentially. The bass don’t have time to think about it when it comes scurrying across their face; they simply react and take a swipe at it.
Crankbait fishing is a lot more than just mindlessly reeling a lure, however. There are several important caveats that, when considered, will take your cranking game to a whole new level.