Ark Rods Invoker Series Casting Rod Review
New rod company building solid sticks out of the gate.
The folks at Ark Rods sent me the Invoker Series 7-foot, 3-inch Mag Medium Heavy casting rod to test recently. When the truck arrived with my rod, he carried it up to my porch like a dead body, two broken ends of the rod tube dangling, broke at an angle but somehow supported still. I had never seen a rod tube flop like that before. They had marked it locally as received in damaged condition. So I had little hope I was actually going to get to test this rod.
I opened the end and carefully slid the rod Ark Rods Inovker Series rod out of the tube and discovered it was completely intact. In fact there was no noticeable blemish or scuffs anywhere on the rod. So the tube was broken in two places, but somehow the rod was unscathed. A pretty good testament to a rods durability, and it hadn’t even been on the water yet.