Craig Leff & Thomas Sheffer Win Carolina Anglers Team Trail LLC Old North Spring Final Jordan June 24, 2017


CATT has teamed up with Terus Fishing Apparel!

The partnership between CATT and Terus, not only brings two quality companies together, it comes with the opportunity to win a massive amount of gear awarded, through the loyalty program, at every event to the top place finishers. At EVERY event throughout the 2016 Fall, 2017 Spring, and 2017 Summer Schedules, the First place team of each event will receive from Terus Fishing Apparel a $50 Gift Card; Big Fish winner will receive a $25 Gift Card; and in addition, if the first place finishing team are members of the Loyalty Program, they will win an additional $50 Gift Card… More than $20,000 in additional payout of Terus Fishing Gear in the coming season!!
Give their Facebook page a like –

Lews products awarded at each 2017 CATT Final!
At Each Wateree, Murray & Santee Cooper CATT Tournament a $25 Palmetto State Armory Fishing Post is awarded!

CATT has Alx Rods! Purchase any 3 and you’ll receive free entry at 1 CATT regular Qualifier $80 value!

In 2018 at the 2-day CATT Championship on Kerr sometime in May we are GUARANTEEING 1st Place $10,000! Details coming!
This past Saturday at Jordan Craig Leff & Thomas Sheffer lowered the boom on the Jordan Lake bass fishing the Old North Spring Final with a 5 bass limit weighing 31.56 lbs! They also weighed in the 1st Lews BF at 8.37 lbs They received a Lews Mach Speed Spool Baitcast Reel and $3,640.00!
2nd went to Rick Ohlson & Randy Parker with a limit weighing 24.75 lbs. They took home $1,065.00!
Calton Hall & Jason Suggs finished 3rd with a limit weighing 22.77 lbs and collected $350.00.
Rich Szczerbala & Jamie Olive took 4th with 22.54 and weighed in the 2nd Lews BF at 7.74 lbs. They also received a Lews Mach Speed Stick! Great Job!
Keep checking guys! There will also be info emailed and mailed out soon! CATT has the best payback in the Carolinas by far!

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