Tyler Farmer / Lee White Win One Stop Leesville Lake Tournament Trail July 9th 2017


18 boats competed in today’s Leesville Lake One Stop Tournament with  Tyler & Lee winning it all. They have won three of this years events, Weighing 15 fish with a total weight of 54.42lbs. with each fish weighing an average of 3.63lbs. The boys are on a tare.

1st place Tyler Farmer / Lee White with 5 fish weighing 17.18lbs

2nd Place Steven Costa / Dillon Coast with 5 fish weighing 14.47lbs

3rd Place Austin Crisp / Brian Costa with Five fish weighing 14.38lbs

Big Fish of the Day Larry Witt ? Kendal Witt a 6.16lb Large Mouth

See you at the next event….