CATT 2017 $$ Paid By Divisions


CATT 2017 $$ Paid By Divisions

Guys, just a little 2017 info…this does not include all but the vast majority…CATT payback totaled well over $400,000 in 2017.

We are way ahead of that total for 2018!

 CATT  Total 2017 $$ Paid by Trail! (In Black)

(2018 in Red as of 11/19) Some trails are not complete! 

Wateree $79,630

Santee Cooper $64,710

Kerr $38,810

Championship $37,960 – $53,720

Norman $37,325

Yadkin $29,535

Old North $28,620 – $39,475

Waccamaw River $27,990

Murray $26,670

Cooper River $19,420 – $22,495

Hickory $19,255 – $10,550 – **No 2018 Fall Trail

Gaston $10,023 – $21,215

Savannah River $9,825 – $12,805

Robinson $4,790