The BBZ brings the “Big Bass Junior Championship” to all high school and college anglers, through the pages of Bassin’ Magazine


What is the Big Bass Junior Championship?

The Big Bass Junior Championship (BBJC) set a goal to offset the stagnate and cost prohibited norm in bass fishing tournaments, and start something fresh, new, and innovative. The new tournament format has been established to focus on the growth of kids and young adults and motivate them towards enjoyment in outdoor activities.
This tournament format will unbound the constrictive traditional one-day tournament format and allows anglers to compete nearly year-round on their schedules. In the past, stressful decisions had to be made by these young tournament anglers between their academic commitments and traditional bass tournaments. The BBJC will allow the anglers to compete on their time while keeping up with their responsibilities.
In this new format there is no need for expensive equipment like a boat, this is grass roots fishing at it’s finest. This allows all young anglers at all skill levels to compete.  All you need is a camera or a phone and an e-mail address to register your catch.

This tournament is also geared for social media.  Every fish registered requires a photo; it’s easy to share, promotes a greater reach, and impacts the industry like nothing before. This tournament’s format is as simple as it gets:Click Here to Read the Story 

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