Matt & Andrew Baker Win CATT Cooper River, SC Sept 21, 2019


Tournament Results Cooper River, SC Sept 21, 2019 The Baker Brothers Whakem & Stackem! 20.21 lbs! BF Grace & John Campbell 7.33 lbs!


Next Cooper River CATT is Oct 12 at Cypress Gardens! Entry Fee $50 Membership $35 Side Pot $25 A team only has to enter 1 Qualifier to be eligible to enter the Final!

Matt & Andrew Baker won by a wide margin this past Saturday on the Cooper River. They weighed in 5 bass at 20.21 ls to take the win!

Grace & John Campbell claimed 2nd with 5 bass weighing 14.23 lbs!

3rd went to Gary Elsey & Terry Silliman with 11.87 lbs!

17 Teams BF Weight Winnings Points
Matt Baker Andrew Baker 0.00 20.21 $675.00 110
Grace Campbell John Campbell 7.33 14.23 $270.00 109
Gary Elsey Terry Silliman 0.00 11.87 $95.00 108
Kyle Welch Wayne Clifton 0.00 10.79 107
Gene Youngs Brian Riley 5.13 10.36 106
Brian Crosby Elvis Black 0.00 10.14 105
Sean McElhaney 0.00 10.01 104
Jonathan Bailey James Bailey 0.00 9.30 103
Michael Craven Justin Craven 0.00 9.25 102
Freddie Gambel Weston Husband 0.00 8.82 101
Dave McConnell Dylan McConnell 0.00 8.35 100
Joe Giampa 0.00 8.02 99
Bubba Dennis Bucky Clarke 0.00 7.54 98
Roy Driggers Thomas Kelly 0.00 7.34 97
Johnny Brinson Darrell Glenn 0.00 2.71 96
James Bihlear 0.00 0.00 95
Gavin Miles 0.00 0.00 95
Total Entrys $850.00
BONUS $ $350.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,040.00
Cooper River 2019 Fall Final Fund $150.00
2020 CATT Championship/Phantom Fund $10.00
Cooper River 2019 Fall Final Fund Total $150.00
2020 CATT Championship/Phantom Fund $525.00