Eric Schell & Todd Smith Win CATT Lake Gaston Final 2-3, 2019


Tournament Results Lake Gaston Final 2-3, 2019 Eric Schell & Todd Smith Repeat as Gaston Final Champs! 2-Day Total 29.56 lbs! $2,330.00!

2020 Academy Sports CATT Championship  Kerr Lake!

$10,000.00 1st Place GUARANTEED!

2018 1st Place took home $25,000.00

2019 1st Place took home $25,000.00

A team or solo angler must fish 3 CATT events to Qualify!

You can get in your 3 events by fishing any CATT Fall 2019 and CATT Spring 2020! Any CATT event after June 2, 2019 counts!

The 3 events do not have to be in the same CATT Trail! 

We closed another great year on Lake Gaston! Total payback for the year was $22,975.00!

We want to thank Glass Barons for the great looking Trophies awarded at the Gaston Final!

Todd Smith & Eric Schell brought in 10 bass weighing 29.56 lbs good enough for the win at the 2-day 2019 Gaston Final! They earned $2,330.00! They also won the 2018 Gaston Final!

Wesley Bennet & Chris Bishop finished 2nd with a 2 day total of 29.44 lbs!

Scott & Kyle Griffin 2 Day Total 28.68 lbs!

Sean Hammock & Flash Butts 2 Day Toal 26.74 lbs!

Chuck Murray & Randy Groves 5th 25.11 lbs! They received a Lews Mach Speed Stick!

2019 Gaston Point Champs! Bobby Crisman & JT Palmore!

1st Day 1st Day 2nd Day 2nd Day
20 Teams BF Weight BF Weight ToTal Winnings
Eric Schell- Todd Smith 0.00 12.03 6.10 17.53 29.56 $2,330.00
Wesley Bennet- Chris Bishop 4.03 16.26 5.07 13.18 29.44 $1,000.00
Scott Griffin- Kyle Griffin 2.91 14.07 3.64 14.61 28.68 $740.00
Flash Butts – Sean Hammock 2.43 11.61 4.21 15.13 26.74 $475.00
Chuck Murray- Randy Groves 0.00 10.19 4.12 14.92 25.11 $80.00
Tom Peele- Brian Bartholomew 5.91 15.39 3.01 8.82 24.21 $330.00
JT Palmore – Bobby Crisman 5.35 14.04 0.00 9.25 23.29 $80.00
Clay Ausley – Ken McNeil 4.85 12.57 4.10 10.30 22.87
Keith Joyce- Mark Robertson 0.00 9.70 4.29 13.13 22.83
Andy Liles- Ricky Todd 3.76 10.50 3.09 11.00 21.50
Shane Doughtie- Evan White 0.00 9.12 3.05 11.99 21.11
Michael Garner- Ryan Brown 0.00 10.39 0.00 10.58 20.97
Ryan Harrell- Carter Harrell 0.00 10.22 0.00 10.55 20.77
Ivan Morris- Janet Morris 0.00 10.00 3.16 9.95 19.95
Dave Collins- Jim Sampson 0.00 5.92 3.72 11.68 17.60
Adam Richardson- Gene Richardson 0.00 6.99 0.00 6.11 13.10
Billy Patrick – Allen Mitchell 4.28 10.97 0.00 0.00 10.97
Bubba Haywood-David Frye 0.00 6.87 0.00 0.00 6.87
Robert Peedin- TJ Myrick 0.00 4.18 0.00 0.00 4.18
Michael Hobbs -Daniel Floyd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Entrys $2,400.00
BONUS $ $900.00
2019 Gaston Final Fund $1,735.00
Total Paid At Ramp $5,235.00
Total Paid 2019 Lake Gaston $22,975.00