The Top 25 VA Anglers of 2019


The Following list was created by the Bass & its associates. The list is no particular order & these are anglers that we believe made the most impact in 2019. Congratulations to everyone that made the 2019 list.


Travis Lugar & Costas Melendez
Lenny Baird
Cody pike
Jack dice
Derik Hudson
Todd Langford
michael nelms
Chris Moxley
Jeff Ross & Clay Ross
Wayne Vaughn
David Perdue
Rick Chenoweth
David Dudley
Ben & Brandon Reynolds
Chad & Elliot Pilson
Wayne Burchette
Jacob Lloyd
Bryant Copley
Nelson Troyer
Stephen Campbell & Bobby Campbell
William Samples & Charles Purcell
Ivan & Janet Morris
Roger Hoover
John Crews
Jacob Powroznik