5 Fishing Things You Can Do Without Leaving The Couch


If you’re an angler stuck at home but still eager to scratch that fishing itch, this is the list for you. We broke down five of the best fishing tasks any angler can do from the comfort of their home.

Here are five productive fishing ideas to dial you in for that next fishing adventure, whenever it may be!

Learn Or Perfect Fishing Knots

Realistically you only need to know a handful of knots to be a successful angler – one knot for tying line to your lure, one for tying line to line, and one loop knot for multiple purposes.

The Palomar and Clinch knot are the two most famous line to lure knots. First learn either the Palomar or Clinch knot and then move to your line to line knots. Popular line to line knots include – FG Knot, Alberto Knot, Blood Knot, and Double Uni Knot.

How To Tie A Fishing Knot

3 Fishing Knots Everyone Needs To Know

How To Tie The Alberto Knot

Tweak Your Tackle

One way or another, I’m sure we could all benefit from spending a little time organizing or optimizing tackle.

Stock up new tackle trays, clean out old ones, or wipe down your favorite lures. Anything to spruce up the arsenal before your next fishing trip counts.

Here are few ideas: Swap out old hooks, grease fishing reels, or customize crankbaits with a sharpie.

How To Organize Fishing Tackle

How To Organize Your Fishing Tackle

You’ve Been Storing Fishing Rods All Wrong

Why Tackle Prep Is Important And It Will Catch You More Fish

Practice Casting/Flipping

Set up a flipping target in your living room!

Learning to flip and pitch with a baitcasting reel effectively is essential for target fishing shallow water bass.

A flipping cast comes into play when your Under a bush, around the dock, beneath a hanging branch – the kind of spot where an overhand cast won’t cut it.

Once you can flip, pitch, and even skip a lure while maintaining precise casts, you’re getting close to bass hammer status.

Practice at home by getting a small target ( like a cup, Mystery Tackle Box, or bowl) and pitching a jig into your target. Use an underhand cast with your rod and be graceful with your casts.

**Cut your hook or wrap it with tape to prevent injuries**

How To Flip And Pitch A Jig

Everything You Need To Know About Flipping And Pitching

Dude Perfect’s Fishing Trick Shot Featuring The Harlem Globetrotters

Epic Mystery Tackle Box Trick Shot

Plan For A Fishing Trip

Shuttle Stops - Glacier National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Studying maps is a great way to jumpstart an upcoming trip.

Daydreaming about fishing trips is a great but do you know what’s even better? Taking that thought to the next level by planning a fishing trip.

Now is a better time than ever to learn more about the bodies of water you want to fish.

Look at a lake map, read stocking reports, and skim through old fishing forums. A little preparation can go a long way when it comes to planning a fishing trip.

Pro tip: Sometimes, I just lookup rivers on Google Maps and then scroll down them looking for unique features. I look for obvious fishing spots like like streams, bends, backwaters or dams.

I also look for fishing access points – walking paths, parking lots, boat landings, campgrounds, etc. I’ve found some of my best river spots doing exactly this.

How To Plan For A Fishing Trip

Your Fishing Trip Checklist

How To Plan The Perfect Fishing Trip

Packing For Your Next Wading Fishing Trip

Jon B’s 5 Favorite Fishing Trips Of All Time

Get Fishing Tackle Delivered

Get the best fishing tackle delivered to your door.

If you happen to need that one colored Senko, or you’re looking to load up on some new tackle – Karl’s Bait and Tackle, it’s the best way to get fishing gear without having to leave your living room.