February Lower Roanoke River/Albermarle Sound Lake Report by Capt. Scooter Lilley


February Lower Roanoke River/Albermarle Sound Lake Report

Capt. Scooter Lilley



Largemouth Bass update: 
Winter bass fishing has been a little slow last few weeks with the water temps remaining in the mid 40’s. For the diehard fisherman willing to brave the cold and fish the mid day hours for best success has still been good on the quality fish. Using crank baits in the 4 to 8 ft range in many of the creeks has been the key to success. Another great cold water pattern on our river system is the good old black/blue 1/2 oz jig fished slow off the canal swings. Largemouth bass are my favorite fish to target any time of the year, if you would like to give it a try on the lower Roanoke give me call anytime 252-799-9536
Large mouth bass fishing with the water temps in the mid 40’s in most areas has made the bite slow, for the patient angler the mid day bite can be rewarding with a few big bites. Shallow Cranking has been my choice to approaching this cold water situation on the lower Roanoke and Albermarle sound. Fishing depths 2 to 7ft deep has been the range of most the bites and they are quality fish! It will definitely pick up over the next few weeks as a slight rise in water temp starts to happen. If you’re a bass fishing Enthusiast and willing to give winter bass fishing a shot, I’ll definitely do my best to put you around some quality fish.
Striped Bass update:
This is the season for curing cabin fever on the lower Roanoke River and Albermarle Sound. The Striper bite is about to be in full swing as we follow the schools of fish from the Albermarle into the Roanoke where they stage up for the spawn in April. A school of respectable size fish has already entered the river. The fish are averaging 20 to 25 inches they are a blast to catch on light tackle for fishermen of all ages. The equipment used will be light spinning tackle with 20lb. braid rigged with Z-Man swim baits and the appropriate sized weighted hook depending on the current flow and conditions. On a average charter daily catches normally range from 25 to 40 fish a trip, with catches reaching upwards to the triple digit mark on those perfect condition days! In some areas one fish per day can be kept over 18 in. per person. This all depends on the weather and the location during the seasons wildlife regulations. If you’re interested in a great trip on the Roanoke River this winter or Spring give me a call 252-799-9536 or cwwcharters.com also check us out on Facebook at CWW Inshore Charters , Instagram @capt. scooterlilley.