Kevin and Bert Fitzgerald Win HillCity Bassmasters on Banister River May 22,2021


We thank everyone that came out yesterday and fished at Banister! It was a great day of fishing with a lot of lunkers caught! We had a great turnout  and appreciate you all for joining us! Our next tournament will be at Leesville Lake on Saturday, June 19.

An update on points will follow later this week!

Congratulations to Kevin and Bert Fitzgerald for pulling off the win with 14 lbs!
Second Place went to Bo Grosvenor and Tony Water with 13.86 lbs

Third Place went to Forrest Yoder and Conrad Mast with 12.81 lbs
Forrest and Conrad also won Big Fish bringing in a bass at 4.67 lbs

Jesse Dalton and Ian Hall (4th place)

Chris and Earl Primm (6th place)