RatRumble : Narrow Gate Baits’s Affordable and Accessible WOOD Rat


Introduction: For most garage bait builders, making lures is a side hobby and a distraction that allows them to escape their daily routines doing something creative. Some carry it into a full time endeavor, many keep it a side gig. Whichever the outcome, the practice is as intrinsic to bass fishing as the line on your fishing reel. From jigs and spinnerbaits, to hand carved balsa wood plugs, now to big baits, there always seems to be a hot market for custom, hand made baits. Sam Luker is a physical education teacher in Murray, Kentucky and owner of Narrow Gate Baits. He’s been making baits since 2018 as a means of spreading his faith in religion as well as his passion for fishing. When he learned of our 2021 Rat Rumble through social media, he was very enthusiastic about submitting his baits to the melee.