Scott Moser & Kenny Beale Win 5 Alive Team Championship Kerr Lake Oct 31,2021


Written by Tourney Director
Kevin Shepard

We finally got to fish our Championship tournament last weekend. Seemed like it had been forever since the last Qualifier tournament. We had 58 out of the 72 teams qualified show up to try and bring home the $5000.00 check. As it has been for over a month now the lake was still being stingy. Several teams got some things figured out and was able to put together some good bags. There was alot of head shaking going on as everyone was loading up. For the most part there was alot of people still scratching their heads trying to figure those fish out. Although the fishing was tough we had a great time with good friends and great food at the end of the tournament. On day one it was the team of Craig Hall and Bobby Carter that topped the field with a good bag for 14.91 pounds.That earned them the win for the Saturday TWT for the amount of $600.00 They also held a tie for big fish with a 5.09 pounder.

2nd place on day one was the team of Kevin Fisher & Allen Haigh with a bag weighing 14.19 pounds. Earning the the 2nd place TWT on Saturday for the amount of $400.00. 3rd place on day one was the team of Jordon Hall & Chris Byrd with a bag weighing 13.60 pounds. Earning the 3rd place TWT for the amount of $200.00. 4th place on day one was the team of Rodney Bowen & Nathan Clements with a bag weighing 12.49 pounds. Earning them the 4th place TWT for the amount of $100.00. They also held a tie for big fish with the 1st place team. That would end up being a split at the end of the tournament because there was nothing bigger caught on day 2. The 2 teams carried home $240.00 each for big fish.

On day 2 things changed a little and some different teams got some stuff figured out while a few teams that was at the top lost a hold on the fish they were on on day 1. Coming from 12th place after day 1 was the team of Scott Moser & Kenny Beale to take home the WIN and the $5000.00 check. They had a 2 day total of 23.44 pounds which earned them a total of $5600.00 with the win and the overall tournament TWT winnings. Those guys are a threat everytime they’re on the water to all of the competitors and they stood at the top of the mountain Sunday. BIG BIG CONGRATULATIONS to those guys.

Coming in 2nd place was our 2021- 5 Alive Team Trail Points Champions. The team of Chuck Morton & Mike Riggs with a 2 day total of 23.17 pounds. Earning them a total $1500.00 with the 2nd place overall TWT. Those guys have had one heck of a year and should be proud of the year they have had.

3rd place was the day one leaders Hall & Carter with a 2 day total of 21.48 pounds earning them a total of $1755.00 with day 1 1st place TWT and day 2 – 3rd place TWT. That’s pretty strong for 3rd place!

We paid back 8 spots on Sunday. After everything was paid out for both days we paid out a total of $11,885.00 and that’s not including tackle pack giveaways,The kids tournament gift cards or the Craig Hall Taxidermy gift certificate drawing for the amount of $550.00.
The kids tournament winner was Mr. Ethan Larabee winning him a $25.00 gift card from Mr. David Gentry and a $50.00 gift card from Mrs Meranda Long Wolfe in honor of her late dad Mr. Steve Long.

2nd place in the Kids tournament was Mr. Logan Revels winning him a $25.00 gift card from Bobcats Bait and Tackle and a $25.00 gift card from Mrs. Meranda Long Wolfe.
The Craig Hall Taxidermy gift certificate was won by Mr. David Gentry. David told me when he bought the tickets that if he won it he wanted to give it to the kid catching the biggest fish of the year. After talking with David we have decided to split the gift certificate with both Ethan Larabee and Logan Revels. They will both get a gift certificate for the amount of $275.00 each in Taxidermy work from Craig Hall. They both fished every tournament this year and have battled back and forth for the wins in the Qualifiers. It’s been awesome to watch. David approached me at our Falls Lake tournament in early spring and wanted to do something for the kids.. he has been a sponsor since then for the kids tournament. David is currently fighting a battle with cancer and is fighting hard. I know with the good Lord on his side he will defeat Cancer for the 2nd time. David has a heart of gold and I ask each and everyone of yall to pray for him and his family.

At the end of day 2 we fed everyone with chicken leg quarters with the Original Jeff Branns Barbecue Sauce on them, baked beans ,Cole slaw, brownies and cookies. Everything was homemade cooked and prepared by our awesome staff. I can’t THANK them enough for all they do to keep this Trail going. My wife Krystal Kirby Sheppard , Jessica Turner Byrd , Shane Brantley , Carie Brantley and little Ms. Ava Brantley. Thank yall so much!!!! Also want to give Clem Warren a big Thank You for cooking the chickens on Sunday for everyone.

Guys please reach out to any of our sponsors if you need any of their services. We have a awesome group of sponsors and as I tell yall each and everytime. Without them this Trail would not exist. BIG BIG THANK YOU to all of of our sponsors.

I know this is a long post but it all needed to be said. Thank you to everyone who has come out and fished with us this year. It’s been a great year and we can’t wait till next year! Yall stay warm this winter and God Bless you all!
1st. Moser & Beale 23.44 pounds $5600.00
2nd. Morton & Riggs 23.17 pounds $ 1500.00
3rd. Carter & Hall 21.48 pounds $ 1755.00
4th. Minor & Harrison 20.33 pounds $550.00
5th.Hall & Byrd 19.81 pounds $ 700.00
6th.Jenkins & Thornton 19.33 pounds $350.00
7th.Bowen & Clements 19.05 pounds $590.00
8th. Ellis & Stallings 18.50 pounds $200.00
9th. Fisher & Haigh 18.29 pounds $400.00
10th. Wicker & Garrett 16.58 pounds
11th.Combs & Denny 16.44 pounds
12th. Whitfield & Smith 15.97 pounds
13th. Patterson & Patterson 15.45 pounds
14th.Bailey & Brann 15.30
15th. Clarey & Rhew 13.91 pounds
16th. Knott & Spell 13.55 pounds
17th. Woody & Smith 13.54 pounds
18th. Sharpe & Sharpe 13.42 pounds
19th. Jacobs & Mayes 13.20 pounds
20th. Gilbert & Gilbert 12.96 pounds
21st. Overby & Puryear 12.71 pounds
22nd. Crittenton & White 12.01 pounds
23rd. Long & Whitfield 11.87 pounds
24th. Oliver & Larabee 11.29
25th. Farman & Stroupe 11.19 pounds
26th.Whitesell & Chafin 10.54 pounds
27th.Frances & Backus 10.23 pounds
28th. Brown & Wimbish 10.13 pounds
29th. Fox & Kearns 8.47 pounds
30th. Wagner & Wagner 8.30 pounds
31st. David Green 7.83 pounds
32nd. Tuck & Wood 7.33 pounds
33rd. Whitman & Harrell 6.96 pounds
33rd. Stamps & Ballard 6.96 pounds
35th. Cook & Slaughter 6.39 pounds
36th. Randy Lloyd 6.32 pounds
37th. Cook & Strickland 6.17 pounds
38th. Dixon & Faucette 5.40 pounds
39th. Jennings & Faust 5.38 pounds
40th. Fox & Fox 5.33 pound
41st. Jones & Rice 5.17 pounds
42nd. Farman & Farman 5.13 pounds
43rd. Goss & Kenders 4.87 pounds
44th. Strickland & Mister 4.25 pounds
44th. Canada & Mise 4.25 pounds
46th. Bass & Hill 4.10 pounds
47th. Lamm & Wilder 3.95 pounds
48th. Revels & Revels 3.40 pounds
49th. Lobaugh & Moody 3.18 pounds
50th. Wilder & Harris 3.09 pounds
51st. Compton & Turner 2.62 pounds
52nd. Wray & Purcell 1.85 pounds
53rd. Staton & Glenn. 0 pounds
53rd. Chuck Campbell. 0 pounds
53rd. Pulliam & Yeatts. 0 pounds
53rd. Billy Vierra. 0 pounds
53rd. Barnes & Scearce. 0 pounds
53rd. Sanes & Gilbert. 0 pounds
Big fish
Hall & Carter . 5.09 pounds $240.00
Bowen & Clements pounds $ 240.00