Jeff & Zach Wolfe Win 5 Alive/Caswell Glass Mayo Trail Tournament #2


Round 2 of the Caswell Glass Mayo Trail was last Saturday. We had 44 boats show up last Saturday.

I want to start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone that has came out and fished any of our events this year!!
The weights were solid and from what I’m being told most everyone caught them fairly well. Glad to see the Lake not be so stingy like some of the past weeks.

At the end of the day it was the team of Jeff & Zach Wolfe that topped the 44 boat field to take the WIN.


. They had a 3 fish limit weighing 14.10 pounds.That earned them a total of $1550.00 for the day. Big Congratulations to them!!

They were followed by the team of Adam Bass and his 5 year old son Noah Bass.They had a 3 fish limit weighing 13.02 pounds.That earned them a total of $575.00 for the day. HOLD UP!!! I get to talk trash to another one that didn’t get in the TWT.


Adam didn’t get in the TWT and it cost him $275.00


All that aside there is nothing better than seeing someone bring their young kids and do well in these tournaments.  Great job guys!!

Big fish was won by the team of Moser and Poole.
They had big fish weighing 6 pounds. That earned them $440.00
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to everyone that placed in the money


Everyone did well with keeping the fish alive and we want to say Thank yall for that!

Also want to give a BIG SHOUT out to tournament director Rodney Bowen for doing a great job running the tournament. When I get people come to me and tell me how good of a job that Rodney has done running the tournaments it  let’s me know that I have definitely picked the rite guy for the job!

Definitely going to say THANK YOU to Shane Brantley – Cawell Glass for being the sponsor of the trail and supporting us at 5 Alive Team Trail. If you need any Commercial Glass done please reach out to him and I promise you that you will be in the hands of the best Glass Company out there.

Next tournament of the Caswell Glass Mayo Trail will be on 8/10/2024.
If anyone wants to pre register contact me Kevin Sheppard at 336-264-8416.

Results- Top 10
1st. Wolfe & Wolfe – 14.10 pounds- $1550.00 TWT
2nd. Bass & Bass – 13.02 pounds -$575.00
3rd.C. Moser & Sanford- 12.09 pounds-$725.00 TWT
4th. Herndon & Elliott- 12.06 pounds-$485.00 TWT
5th. Porterfield & Bohannon- 12.01 pounds-$250.00
6th. Gee & Gee – 12.00 pounds  -$180.00
7th. Strickland & Cooke – 12.00 pounds-$110.00
( 6th & 7th place was decided by the weight of the big fish to break the tie)
8th. Moore & Moore  – 11.03 pounds
9th. Green & Wiles  – 11.03 pounds
( 8th & 9th place was decided  by the weight of the big fish to break the tie)
10th. Wray & Walker – 11.01 pounds

Big Fish
C. Moser & Sanford- 6 pounds  -$440.00