Understanding Wind Chill

The blue-shaded areas represent the amount of time it takes to get frostbite on exposed skin at the corresponding wind chill values.
Staying active and getting outside in the winter when it’s safe can be key to enjoying the season. One thing that will help you enjoy winter weather is understanding what wind chill is and knowing when it can be dangerous. What is wind chill? It’s how cold the air feels when wind is factored in. This is the winter counterpart to the “heat index” for “feels-like” temperatures. The wind matters because of the way our bodies react to very cold temperatures. When the air is chilly, our bodies naturally warm a thin layer of air just above our skin. This helps to keep us from rapidly losing body heat. The wind carries that layer of self-made insulation away from our bodies. The stronger wind carries that warmth away even faster, replacing that warm layer with cold air. Our bodies lose heat trying to warm the new cold air, the wind blows it away, and the cycle continues. Learn more about wind chill, at what measurements it can lead to frostbite, and how to calculate it yourself, Click here.