5 Key Ingredients for Awesome Early Prespawn Action By Walker Smith


Follow these guidelines to find fat prespawn bass before anyone else does.

We’re quickly approaching my favorite time of the year. While the meat of the prespawn bite may not be here yet, the early prespawn bite will be here before you know it. I’ve been waiting all year long and I’m getting antsy just writing about it.

In my opinion, this is absolutely the best time of the year to catch a true giant. A lot of the other anglers are still finishing up their hunting seasons and honey-do lists, which means you might have this special bite all to yourself. If you’re smart about how you approach this time of year, you can have some ridiculous days on the water.

I put the boat in for a few hours this weekend and I’ve already started finding some eager prespawners ripe for the picking—in just 44-degree water. After thinking on it for a few days, I wanted to share my most important considerations with you.