Johnathan Sexton and Andy Farr win CATT Lake Monticello, SC Feb 23, 2019



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Guys we will try to have another in March…just trying to find someone who can run it at the moment. All of us are tied up but we’ll keep working on it!

Johnathan Sexton and Andy Farr weighed in 15.09 lbs good enough for 1st place!

2nd Place Tony Price & Keith Porter with 15.07 lbs!

Eric & Hunter Enlow with the BF at 5 lbs even!

Big Total Total
Team Fish Weight Winnings
Andy Farr – Jonathan Sexton 0.00 15.09 $480.00
Keith Porter – Tony Price 4.10 15.07 $120.00
Pennell & Chrstie 0.00 14.03
Cory & Travis 3.15 12.07
Matt & Robin 3.50 12.03
Eric & Hunter Enlow 5.00 8.14 $100.00
Ellett 4.14 6.13
Clint & Greg 0.00 4.13
Chad & Jelly 0.00 0.00
Don McGlover 0.00 0.00