David Martin and Kevin Simmons Win Fishers of Men VA West April 6th 2019


This weekend was like a new adventure for everyone, we added a new lake to our schedule, Lake Anna in Mineral Virginia. Most of these west teams had never seen this lake before. Its a beautiful lake with tons of fish in it, however the fishing didnt seem to show it.

We want to thank Beaverdam Baptist Church for hosting our evernt, the facility was beautiful. Thanks to Brian Lindamood for an awesome message about Gods grace. The message was so appropriate since Easter is just a couple weeks away. Brian inspired me to really understand how big Gods grace is and how he will accept anyone as long as they understand Jesus died for our sins and ask for forgiveness and repent.

Well our day started with a 45 minute fog delay, so I decided to extend the tournament to 3:30pm, giving the anglers another 30 minutes since mother nature decided to slow us down.

At the end of the day David Martin and Kevin (whats his nickname?) Simmons pulled out the win with 5 fish weighing 12.43lbs. 2nd went to Stphen (leave the tournament early ) Bishop and Richard Alley with a weight of 12.41lbs. 3rd went to James Carnely and his Alternate James (big James) Carnley with a weight of 11.90lbs. 4th went to Matt Atkins and Chris Atkins with 11.55lbs.

Big Fish honors went to James Carnley with a 6.19lb large mouth.

Just out of the money finishers were Jared Hubbard and Kevin Allison and they took home the two Rio Rods.

Berkley Cast for Cash Winners were 2nd Place Stephen Bishop and Richard Alley taking home 1st money of $250.00 and 2nd place cast for cash was 8th place team of David Clements and Henry Camper taking home $150.00. It does pay to be in the Cast For Cash program.

The stats for this tournament:

52 fish caught, 126.88lbs total, Average Fish Caught was 2.4lbs, only 4 limits were caught for the day.