What Is Fantasy Fishing?


What is fantasy fishing?

If you follow the Basscast I’m sure you have seen our content about fantasy fishing at some point. Have you ever wondered what all this fantasy fishing was about, how to join, where to sign up or any other questions? Most of your answers could be below and hopefully I can convince you into joining our FREE league.

Thebasscast.com participates in the fantasy fishing competition provided by Bassmaster. The Bassmaster Fantasy Fishing is formatted around the Elite anglers and their tournamnets. Simply pick a team of elites you think will be the best. A team? Yes you pick a team of five anglers and who ever has the highest score at the end of the event wins. Scores are based off of having the angler who has the biggest fish each day and biggest for the whole event, biggest bag turned in the whole event, being the leader each day, and by winning the tournament. Bassmaster does this complicated scoring and updates it every evening.

The best part of this is it is FREE!!!! You can join multiple groups and have the chance to win lots of prizes FREE!! We are giving away prize packs from our sponsors after each event to the participant who has the highest score. In addition to that we are giving a prize pack that includes a $100 gift card to the participant with the highest score at the end of the year. To join our group you will have to first create an account on www.bassmasterfantasy.com then select the group tab and search for “Thebasscast.com” and our password is “Basscast2020”. Come on and join us now as we already have over 100 people playing for our prize packs. Competition starts this Thursday 2/6/2020 at 6am EST.