4 Bass Fishing Baits to Use in the Rain By Shaye Baker


Rainy weather can still brighten your day when it comes to bass fishing. Often times, rain in the forecast indicates low barometric pressure which is proven to make bass more active and aggressive, therefore more willing to bite. But the downside, when the front pushes through and the rain is gone, high pressure settles in and the bite often shuts down fast and hard.

So it’s important to make the most of your window of opportunity here. There are certain baits that can help you do that. Can you still catch fish in the rain on a shaky head and a drop shot? Yes, of course. But you can’t cover water very quickly with those types of presentations. Instead, you want to pick power-fishing baits that are on the move so you can cover a lot of ground in search of as many eager volunteers as you can find in the allotted time frame.

Let’s discuss a few of those baits now.