Marshall Johnson & Ryan Lanchniet Win CATT James River, VA June 12, 2021


Next James River CATT Qualifier is July 17th at RT 5! There’s 3 JR Qualifiers left and if you haven’t fished with us you have to fish the last 3 Qualifiers to be eligible to enter the James River Final! Minimum of $5,000 to the Final Winners!

84 Teams entered the June 12th James River Qualifier which featured a total purse of $9,795.00! Great crowd with a boat load of cash up for grabs! Marshall Johnson & Ryan Lanchniet took the biggest share of the hefty purse with 5 bass weighing 21.89 lbs and collected 2,765.00!

2nd Place was secured by Mickey Anderson & Bo Bolts with a limit weighing 21.68 lbs and they earned $1,435.00!

Gary Schembs & Joey Simpson took 3rd with 21.40 lbs worth $1,099.00!

Matt Funk with some nice uns!

Joey Cooke & Justin Hall with a nice catch!

Team Names BF Weight Winnings Points
Marshall Johnson- Ryan Lanchniet 6.34 21.89 $2,765.00 110
Mickey Anderson- Bo Bolts 0.00 21.68 $1,435.00 109
Gary Schembs- Joey Simpson 7.60 21.40 $1,099.00 108
Trip Mister- Brent Mister 5.05 19.06 $700.00 107
Jason Bishop- Jeff Hamilton 6.72 18.51 $550.00 106
Kelly Pratt- Richard Addy 0.00 17.05 $450.00 105
Kevin King- Walter Hill 0.00 16.90 $400.00 104
Chuck Comer- Don Warren 0.00 16.85 $330.00 103
Jared Bass- Luke Nickert 0.00 16.69 $285.00 102
Brad Colgin- Duane Hodge 0.00 16.56 $260.00 101
Stacy Vasser- Steve Webb 6.29 16.29 $220.00 100
Matt Kite- Scott Rodgers 0.00 16.18 $180.00 99
Matt Funk 0.00 16.14 $150.00 98
Ray Hogge- Donnie Daniel 0.00 15.97 $140.00 97
Tim Chaffin- Trey Goodman 0.00 15.90 $130.00 96
Kelly Robinette- David Barlow 0.00 15.88 $120.00 95
Wayne Drewery- Ryan Drewery 0.00 15.86 94
Jacob Moore- Connar Bastige 6.24 15.77 93
Justin Faison- Brian Bersik 0.00 15.72 92
Austin Burton- Timmy Lucy 0.00 15.70 91
Charles Ramer 0.00 15.64 90
Richard Mistr- Jim Palazzo 0.00 15.52 89
Howard Austin- Mark Austin 0.00 15.35 88
Chase Huffman- Harrison Baker 0.00 15.06 87
Bubba Whitehurst- Parker Hinks 0.00 14.95 86
Donnie Meade- Travis Davis 0.00 14.82 85
Jefferey Banko- Adam Weaver 0.00 14.71 84
Wayne Andrews- Tim Tait 0.00 14.69 83
Zack Whitt- Larry Whitt 0.00 14.59 82
Jeff Francies- Chris Davis 0.00 14.45 81
Ronald Slughter- Landon Tucker 4.23 14.40 80
Bj Boothe- Michael Smith 0.00 14.31 79
Craig Chuck- Billy Allen 0.00 13.87 78
Richard Bates – Scott Randall 0.00 13.45 77
Roger Walters- Renee Walters 0.00 13.27 76
Kevin Best- Jonathon Wells 0.00 13.26 75
Marcus Chandler- John Mansini 0.00 13.23 74
Paul Martin – Francis Martin 0.00 13.20 73
Rusty Alley- Dan Robinson 0.00 13.08 72
Cullen Hoover- Burley Langford 0.00 13.07 71
Clay Lewis- David Bivins 0.00 13.06 70
Clyde Baldwin- Jeff Davis 0.00 13.05 69
Joey Cooke- Justin Hall 0.00 12.94 68
Jamie Nealy- Greg Ball 0.00 12.82 67
Audie Murphy- Chris Dorman 0.00 12.76 66
Tim Richmond- Keith Largford 0.00 12.73 65
Brian Snipes- Chris Cockrell 4.67 12.71 64
William Condrey- Blake Condrey 6.20 12.64 63
Tony Littl;e- Jerry Hefler 0.00 12.41 62
Jesse Severt- Thomas Sanchez 0.00 12.26 61
Trey Mcgee- Joseph Clark 0.00 12.18 60
Dave Carney- Andy Bollhorst 0.00 11.96 59
Todd Fisher- Matt Chisholm 7.77 11.92 $581.00 58
Dj Wynn- Jake Kidd 0.00 11.67 57
Charles james- John Conway 0.00 11.63 56
Wesley Creasey- Charles Crowder 0.00 11.41 55
Michael Brannon- Jacob Compton 0.00 10.92 54
Jay Davis- Rj Davis 0.00 10.81 53
Jared Williams- Guy Fairweather 0.00 10.78 52
Jason S Bishop- Stan 0.00 10.65 51
Wayne Taylor- Ed Jordan 0.00 10.31 50
James Condrey- Jimmy Condrey 0.00 10.25 49
Bryan Keane – Evan Anderson 0.00 10.21 48
Walter Emerson- Larry Shaw 0.00 10.13 47
Jeffrey Valentin- Daryl Moody 0.00 9.39 46
Mike Gibson- Rocky Stone 0.00 9.29 45
John Barnes- 0.00 9.06 44
Alexander Woodruff- Dylan Cross 0.00 7.62 43
James Tilley- Andy Walker 0.00 7.43 42
Allen Williams- Brad Redden 0.00 6.81 41
Avery Powelson- Brian Brooks 0.00 6.33 40
Curtis Combs- Cj Combs 0.00 2.85 39
Luke Carson- Darin Zollar 0.00 0.00 29
Nathan Kilgore 0.00 0.00 29
Linwood Shores 0.00 0.00 29
Rodney Allen- Neal Allen 0.00 0.00 29
Don Doverspike- Jonathan Cobb 0.00 0.00 29
Matt Holt 0.00 0.00 29
Cory Dunnavant- Kennon Ball 0.00 0.00 29
Rick Rodrigues- Chuck Rackley 0.00 0.00 29
Cody Casey- Zack Bodsford 0.00 0.00 29
Robert Patterson- Hunter Crowder 0.00 0.00 29
Mike Rowe- Jim Rowe 0.00 0.00 29
Adam Lathan- Robert Lathan 0.00 0.00 29
Total Entrys $10,080.00
BONUS $ $650.00
Total Paid At Ramp $9,795.00
James River 2021 Final Fund $690.00
2021 CATT Championship Fund $0.00
2021 James River Final Fund Total $2,175.00
2021 CATT Championship Fund Total $0.00