Friday, October 4, 2024

Fishers of Men West Division

Jared Sowers & Kevin Allison Win Fishers of Men VA West on Smith Mountain Lake

Had a great meeting and tournament this weekend at the Paul Menschner State Farm FOMNTT tournament at Smith Mountain Lake. 1st place was Jared Sowers...

Dennis Stump & Steve Crist Win Fishers of Men VA West

Had a great 1st meeting and tournament of the year.The Blue Eagle Credit Union Tournament at Smith Mountain Lake is in the Books and...

Anthony McCraw & Penny McCraw Win Fishers of Men VA West SML March 16,2019

Our 2nd tournament of the season started with an amazing meeting at Palestine Baptist Church, They served an awesome meal for our anglers. We...

Rich McWhirter Sam Westbrook Win Fishers of Men VA West Division Kerr Lake March 31,2018

Wow, what an awesome 2nd tournament, our meeting location was hosted at the Boydton Town Center, thanks so much to Brandon Slaughter for the...

Dwain Bever and Michael BroganWin Fishers of Men Smith Mtn Lake State Park February 24, 2018

Wow what a great start to the season, We want to thank Palestine Baptist Church and Quest Ministries for the great venue and meal...


