Chad Rabon & Walt Almond Win CATT Lake Wateree, SC May 29, 2021


Next Lake Wateree Summer CATT is June 12th at Clearwater Cove Marina! The CBC will be at Lake Wateree June 5th!

Chad Rabon & Walt Almond take 1st place with 5 bass weighing 19.90 lbs! They collected $750.00!

2nd Place went to Butch Williams & Max Price with 16.69 lbs!

RB Blackmon & Matt Nettles 3rd with 16.26 lbs!

Jeffrey Furr & Chad Gainey 4th 15.57 lbs!

Jeff & Jacob Norris 5th 15.56 lbs!

Jimmy McFarland & Calvin Griggs 6th 14.38 lbs!

1st BF Casey & Carter Stanley with a 5.88 lb bass!

2nd BF Michael Richardson with a 5.16 lb bass!

Team BF Weight Winnings Points
Walt Almond & Chad Rabon 4.74 19.90 $750.00 110
Butch Williams & Max Price 4.46 16.69 $200.00 109
Matt Nettles & RB Blackmon 4.54 16.26 $80.00 108
Chad Gainey & Jeffrey Furr 4.33 15.57 107
Jeff Norris & Jacob Norris 4.22 15.56 106
Jimmy McFarland & Calving Griggs 4.19 14.38 105
Michael Richardson 5.16 14.21 $45.00 104
Casey Stamey & Carter Stamey 5.88 13.99 $105.00 103
Greg Sigmon & Paul Wells 4.31 13.76 102
Allan Fletcher & Tanner Fletcher 4.48 13.30 101
Dalton Haven & Eric Werhesman 4.07 11.16 100
Jason Ries & Roger McKee 3.22 9.93 99
Steve Phillips 0.00 0.00 89
Jeff Reynolds & Trent McLaughlin 0.00 0.00 89
Wesley Bilton & Andrew Bull 0.00 0.00 89
Total Entrys $1,200.00
BONUS $ $300.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,180.00
2021 Wateree Summer Final Fund $240.00
2021 CATT Championship/Phantom Fund $0.00
2021 Wateree Summer Fund Total $580.00
2021 CATT Championship/Phantom Fund Total $0.00