December 2021 Albermarle Sound Fishing Report by Capt. Scooter Lilley

Capt. Scooter Lilley
Albermarle Sound
Striped Bass update:
It’s that time of year again! The Stripers have showed up in big numbers. The fish are mainly concentrated in the Sound with a few fish showing up in the river. More fish will be moving into the river as the month progresses. We’ve been doing good in the 10 to 20 ft range with swimbaits and a 3/8 oz head targeting bait under the birds. Catches exceeding the 50 fish mark are not uncommon when a big school is located, of course this depends on the wind and type of weather conditions we have for the day. There are a few fish shallow hanging around stumps during the midday hours. Z man swimbaits have been the ticket! If your looking a great way to cure the cabin fever give me a shout for your day of Striper fishing on the Albermarle Sound! 252-799-9536