Derrick Reed and Andrew Holland win Stop number 2 of the USA BASSIN King of Claytor Trail with 19.44 lbs


Hello everyone!!  We had our second tournament of the year today April 14th! We had 14 boats come out and brave the weather. We paid 2 places today and big fish! Big Fish today went to Herman Clements and Leon Vencill with a largemouth weighing 5.47lbs which paid them$140. Nice job guys!  2nd place went to Chris and Ben Eads who brought 5 fish in weighing 12.65lbs which won them $210.00! Great job guys! Taking home 1st today was Derrick Reed and Andrew Holland with 5 fish weighing 19.44lbs that won them $280.00!! Nice Catch! Andrew also popped the big question today at weigh-in! Asking his girlfriend MaKayla Sarver to marry him and she said YES!!   Congratulations to everyone who took home some money! I apprecitate everyone coming out today. I hope to see you all at our next tournament on May 5th from 7am-3pm! Thanks. BRAD

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