Jacob Brown & Son Win CATT East Roanoke River, NC March 6, 2021


Mark your calendar! June 26 Chowan River, NC Bayside Marina in Edenton! Phantom Outdoors Invitational $5,000.00 1st Place! You don;t have to qualify for this tournament! Just be there!

Thank you to all the anglers that fished with us yesterday as we had a great time and we hope you did too. We hope to see you next month, April 17th in Washington. Happy fishing!

Here’s your results from the CATT East on the Roanoke River, NC!

1st- Jacob Brown & son with 24.15 lbs and a check for $550. They also won the side pot $400 and 2nd big fish 6.98 lbs and another check for $72 putting their grand total at $1,022.oo!


2nd- Team Tripp and Williford weighing in 18.61 lbs. $300


3rd- Team West and Stallings weighing in 17.54 lbs $200

4th- Team Thomas and Elks weighing in 16.92 lbs $120

1st Big Fish goes to Team Clark with a nice bass that weighed 7.01 lbs $168

2nd Big Fish goes to Team Brown with a nice bass that weighed 6.98 lbs $72.
Team BF Weight Winnings Points
Jacob Brown & Jacob Brown 6.98 24.15 $1,022.00 110
JA Williford – Jason Tripp 6.70 18.61 $300.00 109
Zeb West – Wayne Stallings 0.00 17.54 $200.00 108
Larry Thomas – Gerald Elks 3.77 16.92 $120.00 107
Ronnie Clark – Ron Clark 7.01 15.16 $168.00 106
Kevin Jones – Gerald Murray 0.00 15.01 105
Michael Chlomoudis – Powell Kemp 0.00 12.55 104
Brad Stain – Paul King 4.43 11.06 103
Will James – Mike James 0.00 10.81 102
Medford & Medford 0.00 10.25 101
Mike Ellis – Mark Faircloth 0.00 8.18 100
Danny Wood – Nathaniel Lucas 4.61 7.97 99
James Ormond – Danny Flynn 0.00 7.60 98
Wayne Harris – Kenny Simpson 0.00 7.36 97
Minton & Honican 4.18 7.36 96
King & King 0.00 4.95 95
Mike White – Dana Moore 0.00 4.65 94
Matt Harrell – Justin Chappell 4.37 4.37 93
Dan Leggett 0.00 0.00 83
Matthew Oakley 0.00 0.00 83
Nanny & Bissette 0.00 0.00 83
Craft & Hobgood 0.00 0.00 83
Norris & Boyette 0.00 0.00 83
Winstead & Morris 0.00 0.00 83
Total Entrys $1,920.00
BONUS $ $400.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,810.00
East 2021 Final Fund $410.00
2021 CATT Championship Fund $50.00
2021 East Final Fund Total $410.00
2021 CATT Championship Fund Total $1,440.00