Jaime Fajardo & Josh Hooks win Cashion T.T. Qualifier #4 April 7th 2018 Kerr Lake


Saturday April 7th, 2018 ~  ~ Kerr Lake ~ ~ Flemingtown Landng Wildlife Ramp


The bad weather hit us again!! We had the Cashion Fishing Rods Spring Team Tournament Bass Trail Qualifier #4 at Kerr Lake knowing it might get rough. The weather for the 25 teams was not too bad in the morning with hardly any rain
from blastoff to 10am and winds very  light with air temps in the 50’s. At 12 noon everything started to change leading to 15 to 20 mph winds, steady rain and the temps dropping to 39 when we left. It was tough those last 3 hours on the water!! But our guys are tough too!! Surface water temps averaged 56 degrees! The fish were caught in 2 to 10 foot of water. The water level was right at 303 and should be warming up starting this coming week!

Jaime Fajardo & Josh Hooks stayed warm enough to catch 5 keepers weighing a total of 18.42 lbs. to take 1st Place and 1st Place TWT for a total of $1,325 in prize money! Fajardo on left, Hooks on right. Close behind was the 2nd Place team of Todd Massey & Brandon Gray landing 5 bass weighing16.62 lbs. and along with winning the 2nd Place TWT and 1st Place Big Fish (5.22 lbs.) they took home $1,035 in winnings. The 3rd Place Father/Son team of Chuck & Levi Byrd presented 5 bass weighing 15.96 lbs. to rack up $320 in winnings. The 2nd place Big Fish (5.05 lbs.) was caught by the team of John Anton & Britt Kuchen
for $150 in winnings! The bass weighed in Saturday we very fat and healthy!! Good to see that at Kerr again!!!

95 bass were brought to the scales for a total of 251 pounds averaging 2.64 lbs. each. Short leadered Carolina Rigs in shallow water, spinner baits and Jigs seemed to be the lures of choice.

I want to thank Cashion Fishing Rods and all the anglers that participated. Our next tournament will be the 2018 PBC Academy Sports & Outdoors $10,000 Spring Team Bass Trail Qualifier #4, Saturday April 14th also at Kerr
Lake out of Flemingtown Landing Wildlife Ramp.  All the information on our tournaments and dates can be found at:  http://piedmontbassclassics.com/index.html

Now here are the full results:

1st Place: Jaime Fajardo & Josh Hooks of Fuquay Varina & Apex…5 bass…18.42 lbs…$800
2nd Place: Todd Massey & Brandon Gray of Chapel Hill & Bullock…5 bass…16.62 lbs…$460
3rd Place: Chuck & Levi Byrd of Sanford & Bunn Level…5 bass…15.96 lbs…$320
4th Place:  Rock Goss & John Anderson of Creedmoor & Oxford…5 bass…15.08 lbs…$240
5th Place:  Drew Johnson & Richard Cooper of Clayton…5 bass…14.71 lbs…$180

1st Place Big Fish: 2nd Place Team above…5.22 lbs…$350
2nd Place Big Fish: John Anton & Britt Kuchen of Chapel Hill & Raleigh…5.05 lbs…$150

1st Place TWT: 1st Place Team above: 18.42 lbs…$525

2nd Place TWT: 2nd Place Team above: 16.62 lbs…$225

Contact Information:

Phil McCarson…Tournament Director—922 Valetta Rd.—Durham, NC   27712
Home: 919-471-1571     Cell: 919-971-5042
email: philsflags@msn.com            website: http://piedmontbassclassics.com/

Next PBC Tournament  ~ April 14th, 2018

2018 Academy Sports
& Outdoors $10,000
Spring Team Bass Trail Q#4 !!
Blast Off Approx. 6:15 am…1st Flight Weighin 3:00 pm
Pay Entry at ramp from 4:15 am.
     Cash Only At The Ramp.
Click Here For All The Information On This Trail.

Upcoming PBC Tournament  ~ April 21st , 2018
29th Annual Tobacco Bass Tournament
Invitational Only !!
Blast Off Approx. 6:00 am…1st Flight Weighin 3:00 pm
Check in at ramp from 5:00 am.

Click Here For All The Entry Information On This Trail.