Scott Smith & Dennis Reedy Win CATT Old North Falls Lake, NC Nov 6, 2021


Scott Smith & Dennis Reedy win the Falls Lake Old North Qualifier Nov 6th with a limit weighing 17.61 lbs!

Michael Britt & Seth Hartley took 2nd with 16.55 lbs!

3rd went to Zack Huey & Brandon Thornton with 13.95 lbs!

Team BF Weight Winnings Points
Scott Smith Dennis Reedy 0.00 17.61 $750.00 110
Michael Britt Seth Hartley 5.78 16.55 $400.00 109
Zack Huey Brandon Thornton 0.00 13.95 $80.00 108
Doug Stallings Seth Ellis 0.00 11.85 107
David Matthew 0.00 8.17 106
Johnny Anton Brice McClenney 6.81 6.81 $105.00 105
John McClelland Larry Godfrey 0.00 6.41 104
James Davis 4.20 5.94 103
Roby Wyatt Todd Butler 5.54 5.54 $45.00 102
Clay Ausley Tony Miller 2.77 2.77 101
Jeff Brown Trey Hanning 0.00 1.94 100
Todd Massey Bo Adams 0.00 0.00 90
Craig Leff Thomas Sheffer 0.00 0.00 90
Kenneth Mcneil Joe Langley 0.00 0.00 90
Tim Blair Jeremy Wright 0.00 0.00 90
Total Entrys $1,200.00
BONUS $ $500.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,380.00
Old North 2021 Fall Final Fund $240.00
2022 CATT Championship Fund $30.00
2021 Old North Fall Final Fund Total $795.00