Jake & John Murdock Win CATT Roanoke Rapids Lake, NC April 15, 2023


Next CATT Roanoke Rapids Qualifier is May 13th at 5th Street Landing!

Jake Murdock & John Murdock took 1st Place with 5 bass weighing 20.10 lbs!

Robby Butler & Michael Midgett 2nd with 19.16 lbs!

Jake Murdock John Murdock5.1820.10$568.00110
Robby Butler Michael Midgett0.0019.16$315.00109
Cory Byrum Jesse Medlin 5.4017.79$77.00108
Houston Cash Chase Davis0.0016.66107
Dennis Bradley Allen Mitchell0.0016.04106
Adam Owen Dylan Lynch0.0015.62105
Chuckie Creech Al Lancaster0.0015.40104
Bryan Edwards Kent Edwards0.0014.48103
Thomas Webb Dan Garner0.0014.16102
Shawn Evans Kevin Dickens4.9814.06101
Ryan Hobbs Amy Hobbs0.000.0091
Total Entrys$880.00
BONUS $$350.00
Total Paid At Ramp$960.00
2023 Roanoke Rapids Spring Final Fund$245.00
2023 CATT Championship Fund$25.00
2023 Roanoke Rapids  Spring Final Fund Total$770.00