Danny & Joey Mclean Win CATT Waccamaw River, SC July 8, 2023


Next up is the Waccamaw River Phantom Outdoors Open July 29th at Bucksport! You are required to be a CATT member to enter! You can pay membership at the ramp PLUS you will be eligible to enter the Waccamaw River Summer Final August 12th at Bucksport! There will not be any points awarded at the Phantom!

Phantom Outdoors Open info!

Normal CATT Rules Apply!
Pre Pay on Line or at Ramp Morning of!

$5,000 1st Place based on 50 teams entering!
Entry Fee: $200 per team On line or $210 at Ramp

Enter 1 or more side pots or none! Optional!
Platinum BONUS $100 (Paying 3 Places)
Gold BONUS $50 (Paying up to 3 Places)
Silver BONUS $25 (Paying up to 2 Places)
Blastoff # Determined by Order of Payment!
Paying 2 Big Fish Places and 1 Place for Every 7 Teams Entered!

The Waccamaw River Summer Final will August 12th at Bucksport!

Danny & Joey Mclean win the Waccamaw River July 8th with 5 bass weighing 19.86 lbs PLUS they weighed in the Academy Bf at 7.30 lbs! Total winnings $2,025.00!

River & Timmy Squirers 2nd with 5 bass weighing 12.62 lbs!

Steve Martin took 3rd with 11.14 lbs!

Charles Fryer & Noah Jones weighed the 2nd BF at 5.36 lbs and they win the Waccamaw Summer Points! Theyn will fish the Final free and receive plaques!

Lucas Little & Ricky Wood with a couple of nice uns!

Marion Humphreys with a good one!

Danny McLean – Joey McLean 7.3019.86$2,025.00110
Timmy & River Squirers3.7512.62$600.00109
Steve Martin4.7811.14$385.00108
John Proctor & Johnny Duarte2.8010.81$260.00107
Ricky Wood & Lucas Little4.7010.77$210.00106
Charles Fryer & Noah Jones5.3610.75$255.00105
Brian Howard & Richard McConnell2.5010.65$120.00104
Will McGuirt & Blake Thompson3.2610.30103
Ed Owens & Chris Jones2.8410.09102
Kevin Alford & Gary Pope3.4810.03101
Garrett Taylor & Jamie Godbolt2.939.77100
Timmy & Wesley Williamson2.979.6399
Kaleb Gerald & Charlie Holmes2.118.9898
Keith & Rex Coker3.188.2497
Marion Humphries & Luke Russell3.858.0796
Eric Cox & Robby Byrum2.687.9195
Jesse Harold & Justin Carter0.007.6394
Scott McClellan & Vince Locklear0.007.2193
David Quandt & Dayson Lasek0.007.1892
Charlie Johnson & Nate Rabon0.006.8491
Garrett Howard & Cal Marsh0.006.5290
Tommy & Thomas Collins0.006.0289
Jason Smith & Shane Thomas0.005.9488
Jeremy & Matthew Trussell0.005.3787
John Miller & nick rosebella0.004.6486
OJOE Gabella & Lee Floyd0.000.0076
Nick Gant & Patrick Cook0.000.0076
Danny Martin & Britt Brown0.000.0076
Jacob Barfield0.000.0076
Ryan Thompson & Brian Meyers0.000.0076
James & Ray Turner0.000.0076
Trey Cribb & Dylan McConnell0.000.0076
Dalton Warren & Brighton0.000.0076
Will Hendrick & Alex Hrycak0.000.0076
Jess White & Eddie Fisher0.000.0076
Reid Hatchell & Nickalos Nobles0.000.0076
Total Entrys$3,600.00
BONUS $$625.00
Total Paid At Ramp$3,855.00
2023 Waccamaw Summer Final Fund$270.00
2024 CATT Championship$50.00
2023 Waccamaw Summer Fund Total$1,090.00