How To Set Your Reel Drag – MTB – July 30,2017


How To Set Your Reel Drag

Losing a fish is a real drag (get it?), especially when you realize you forgot to set the reel drag.

You can adjust your reel’s drag by the star wheel beneath the handle of a baitcast reel or the knob above the spool on your spinning reel. The most accurate way to set your drag is to use a spring or digital scale to measure the amount of drag slippage. Your drag should be set at 25 percent of the breaking strength (pound test) of the line you are using. You can check the breaking strength by tying the line to the scale hook, holding your rod at a 45-degree angle and pulling down on the scale. Read the scale the moment the drag starts to slip and then adjust the drag mechanism until the drag slips at the same weight setting of the line on your reel.