Jaime Fajardo & Josh Hooks Win Cashion Fishing Rods Saturday October 7th 2017, Shearon Harris


               Saturday October 7th, 2017 ~ Shearon Harris ~ Cross Point Landing Wildlife Ram


The qualifier #7 of PBC Cashion Fishing Rods ‘End of Year’ Trail at Shearon Harris went off without a hitch until the bottom fell out at weighin just enough to get everyone soaked!! 29 teams competed, trying to get around the ‘slot limit’, to bring some good fish to the scales! Air temps ranged from 62 degrees in the am and on up to 84 at the 3pm weighin. Water temps averaged about 75 degrees and the lake was about 3′ low. Winds were nonexistent in the am up to about 7 mph in the afternoon. The bite was good but it was tough to get 5 good fish with that slot limit rule.

The team of Jaime Fajardo & Josh Hooks caught a few dinks and 2 over slot to weigh in 5 bass at 16.23 lbs., enough to win 1st Place, 1st Place Tournament within a Tournament (TWT) and the Big Fish Award (5.71 lbs.) for a total of $1,806 in winnings. The team said most of their bass were caught off shallow rocky bank dropoffs in 2 to 6of water with C- rigs and crankbaits.

  1st Place Fajardo on left.

The 2nd Place Team of Stewart and Scott Dunn (subbing for Tony Woodard) weighed in 5 fish for 14.65 lbs. and also won 2nd Place TWT to pocket a total of $740. 3rd place team Tony Fofi & Dave Murdoch, with 5 weighing 14.22 lbs., took home $360. The 2nd Place Big Fish weighed 5.61 lbs. and was caught by the Team of Mark Herndon & Jay Garrard netting them $406 in prize money!!

Only 67 fish were weighed in for a total of 158 pounds for an average of 2.36 lbs. each. Most of the fish were caught on Spinnerbaits, Carolina rigs, Jig combos and Crankbaits in 2 to 10‘ of water off steep bank rocky dropoffs.

I want to thank all the anglers that participated and all our sponsors that support this trail. The final Cashion Fishing Rods ‘End of Year’ Tournament Trail Qualifier #8 will be October 21st at Jordan Lake. Go to this webpage for the info
on the ‘End of Year’ Trail: http://piedmontbassclassics.com/2017CashionEOYTrailMainPage.html
All the information on our tournaments can be found http://piedmontbassclassics.com/

Now here are the full results:

1st Place: Jaime Fajardo & Josh Hooks of Fuquay Varina & Apex…5 bass…16.23 lbs…$840
2nd Place: Tony Woodard & Stewart Adams of Four Oaks...5 bass…12.31 lbs…$500
3rd Place: Tony Fofi & Dave Murdock of Spring Lake & Sanford…5 bass…10.48 lbs…$360
4th Place: Tony & Chase Stanley of Four Oaks…5 bass…10.44 lbs…$280
5th Place: Todd Sumner & Rich Szczerbala of Southern Pines & Apex…5 bass…10.40 lbs…$220
6th Place: Chip Baty & Alan Parker of Linden5 bass…9.97 lbs…$120

         1st Place Big Fish..1st Place Team above…5.71 lbs…$406

2nd Place Big Fish..Mark Herndon & Jay Garrard of Bahama & Durham...5.61 lbs…$174

         1st Place TWT..1st Place Team above…16.23 lbs…$560

2nd Place TWT..2nd Place Team above…12.31 lbs…$240

Contact Information:
Phil McCarson…Tournament Director—922 Valetta Rd.—Durham, NC   27712
Home: 919-471-1571     Cell: 919-971-5042
philsflags@msn.com            website: http://piedmontbassclassics.com/