May 2022 Albermarle Sound/ Roanoke River Fishing Report by Capt. Scooter Lilley

Capt. Scooter Lilley
Albermarle Sound/ Roanoke River
Largemouth Bass update:
It’s definitely heating up on the water in my area! The bass have been chewing in just about every area on the map! The fish are shallow and in the spawn , post spawn patterns. When the conditions are right top waters all day have been the best for success. If the bite is slow the sinko is the way to go! If your looking a fun day on the water with a chance to catch your personal best largemouth the Roanoke river is the place to be. Give me a call for availability at 252-799-9536.
Striped Bass update:
The stripers are stacked up in Weldon NC doing their spring spawn. We’ve been doing very well all throughout the river as the fish start to trickle back down towards the Albermarle sound. Catches in the triple digits are not uncommon in a days trip. This is a great trip to introduce a young kid into some fast action. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the water.