We had the first tournament of the STATE Construction Fall Trail last Saturday at Mayo Lake.
We had 30 teams show up to kick off the new trail.
Weather was actually decent except a few showers but definitely better than the heat we’ve been enduring.
The fishing was decent for most people but for me on the other hand. Oh well!! At the end of the day the team of Scott Jones & William Jones come to the scales early and set the bar to high for anyone to reach. They brought in a 5 fish limit weighing 20.25 pounds to take home the WIN
. That earned them $900.00 for the win. They opted out on the TWT and missed out on a extra $350.00. Yes I reminded them of that numerous times after the tournament.
Great Job Guys!!
They were followed by the Zeb Barnette & Zeb Barnette Jr team with a bag weighing 16.45 pounds earning with the TWT win $800.00
Big Fish was a tie between the Winners of the event Jones & Jones and Gilbert & Sanes. Both teams had a 5.80 pound bass. Both teams got $150.00. Big Congratulations to all of the winners!!
The next tournament will be at Kerr Lake – Occoneechee Ramp on 9/30/23. Yall come on out and fish with us. We would definitely love to have yall!
If you want to pre register contact me Kevin Sheppard at 336-264-8416 and I will get you the information you need to make it happen.
Any questions contact me Kevin Sheppard at 336-264-8416.
Looking forward to seeing yall in 2 weeks. Thanks!
1st. Jones & Jones- 20.25 pounds – $900.00+$150.00 for Big Fish.
2nd. Barnette & Barnette- 16.45 pounds- $800.00 TWT
3rd. Williams & Currin – 15.55 pounds- $255.00
4th. Robbie Mayton – 15.10 pounds – $235.00
5th. Rimmer & Faust – 14.45 pounds-$295.00 TWT
6th.Green & Wiles – 14.30 pounds- $100.00
Big Fish.
Jones & Jones – 5.80 pounds- $150.00
Gilbert & Sanes – 5.80 pounds – $150.00