One Trick for Short Striking Swimbait Bass By David A. Brown December 20,2016


Russ Lane shows off his rigged swimbait and walks through how to rig it this way step by step with whatever weight you want to match the depth you’re fishing / David A. Brown

One Trick for Short Striking Swimbait Bass

David A. Brown

Tuesday at 1:00 AM

Russ Lane gives his quick tip on rigging a split belly swimbait with any size weight you prefer to cut down on short strikes.

Russ Lane’s a big fan of slinging swimbaits when bass fishing for fun and for a living, but he knows attacking bass can pull back on the throttle moments before impact which leads to missed hookups with a swimbait. So, he devised a creative rigging method for his favorite swimbait, the Big Bite Baits BB Kicker for maximum appeal and grabbing power.

“I wanted a way to rig the swimbait to really come to life with a lot of action from nose to tail,” he said. “I also wanted a way to catch more of the short striking bass, because you’ll get a lot of fish that just come up and nip at your bait — even the big ones.”