Shane Lineberger & Jerry Bono Win CATT Lake Gaston, NC Aug 27, 2023


Next Lake Gaston CATT Fall Qualifier is Sept 24!

Shane Lineberger & Jerry Bono took 1st Place with 5 bass weighing 18.26 lbs worth $1,513.00!

Shane Doughtie & Evena White with their catch!

Flash Butts & Shawn Hammack!

Jerry Bono Shane Lineberger5.1018.26$1,513.00110
James Joyner John Edwards4.8817.84$800.00109
Jeff Price5.4017.56$372.00108
Shane Doughtie Evan White0.0016.04$150.00107
Dennis Bradley Allen Mitchell0.0014.96106
Shawn Hammack Flash Butts0.0014.29105
Ivan Morris Ivan C Morris0.0013.22104
Billy Shelton Michael Garner0.0013.02103
Jay Wright Chuck Murray4.4612.24102
Jake Murdock John Murdock5.0612.04101
Dennis Phillips Craig Phillips0.0010.22100
Adam Richardson Blake Richardson4.629.5899
Chuckie Creech Luke Edwards0.008.2098
Doug Stallings Seth Ellis0.000.0088
Caleb Horn Parish Malone0.000.0088
Jay Fogleman Tate Fogleman0.000.0088
Chris McDaniel Nelson Mayton0.000.0088
James Kirik James Bass0.000.0088
Eric Schell Todd Smith0.000.0088
Michael Pembleton0.000.0088
Rick Morris Dave Waack0.000.0088
Scott Griffin Jay Allen0.000.0088
Total Entries$2,520.00
BONUS $$750.00
Total Paid At Ramp$2,835.00
2023 Gaston Fall Final Total$335.00
2023 CATT Championship Fund$50.00
2023 Gaston Fall Final Total$335.00