Points Standings & Championship Update by Danielle Englund


Current points standings with lowest score dropped
(Orange highlight indicates the angler has already qualified for the Championship. Blue highlight indicates the angler needs to fish one more to qualify.)

Here is the list of past winners who have qualified for the Tournament of Champions:

June 20th, Leesville Lake: Brandon Overstreet

July, Smallmouth Only Online: Robert Clements

July 25th, Amherst Rumble: Jesse Pingilley

August, Largemouth Only Online: Jonathan Graham

August 22, Leesville Lake: Dennis Toms

September 12, Smith Mountain Lake: Dennis Toms

October 24, Smith Mountain Lake Championship: Robert Clements

April 3, Smith Mountain Lake: Robert Clements

May 15, Shenandoah River: Josh Mutters

June 12, Amherst Rumble: Yoan Lopez

July 17, New River: Victor Hendrix

August 14, James River: James Stanley

September 4, Leesville/Staunton River: Brandon Overstreet

September 25, Smith Mountain Lake Championship: Bruce Deel

March 26, Smith Mountain Lake: Justin Largen

April 16, Leesville Lake: Jacob Stephens

May 28, Philpott Lake: Robert Clements

May, May Month Long Online: Troy Wines

June 11, New River: Adam Flint

July 23, Maury/James River: Troy Wines